The International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB) is a global network of indigenous organisations that during the COP, SBSTTA and WG 8(j) and similar CBD meetings forms the indigenous Caucus in the CBD. It was formed already 1996, and have since then successfully created an inclusive platform where all indigenous peoples and local communities are welcome to discuss the issues on the agenda in the Caucus, formulating statements and connect to Parties for getting support for their voices.
Sotz’il, or “Asociación Sotz’il – Centro para la Investigación y Planificasión del Desarollo Maya”, is thus the host organisation and contract holder of the IIFB project 2016 – 2017 with SwedBio. Sotz’il is a Mayan organisation with the main objective of strengthening the development of the indigenous movements in Guatemala and beyond. Sotz’il is member of the Consejo Indígena de Centro América (CICA), and other Indigenous Latin American Network, and has been engaged in the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB) and followed the CBD over various years.
Our collaboration: The overall goal of the project is “To gain respect and recognition of indigenous peoples’ rights with nature, their land and territories and the critical role this relationship play in the protection and conservation of ecosystems, species and genetic diversity”. The project will contribute to this in particular through coordinating and organising the smooth participation of IPLCs and their organisations, through all regions, including the preparatory work, of the CBD COP13 and the inter-session meetings leading up to it, and follow it back to regional, national and local level, to ensure its implementation.