The network of Centres of Distinction on ILK was established to promote respect and recognition of Indigenous and Local Knowledge in relevant local-global knowledge-policy platforms levels and to support institutions, organisations and networks of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, linking them horizontally and vertically for strengthened collaboration and problem-solving based on abiding cultural values on deep relationships between nature and cultures.

The network is composed of organizations implementing programmes of work on traditional knowledge in different global regions and which have a long history of engaging within the United Nations system to deliver policy recommendations, implement projects and provide assessments, such as for biodiversity indicators and community-based monitoring systems. Each Center has its own distinct activities and strengths which by working together will provide a more comprehensive set of inputs to knowledge-policy platforms such as the Inter-governmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). This network is also a support mechanism for indigenous and local knowledge holders themselves in their place-based and context-specific work.