The ICCA Consortium is a non-profit, membership-based association that grew out of the movement for equity in conservation. Their mission is to promote appropriate recognition and support for ICCAs territories of life at local, national and international levels. Their vision is a world where territories and areas conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities (ICCAs-territories of life) thrive and contribute to these communities’ self-determination, conservation of biological and cultural diversity and wellness of all beings. Their work is centred in respecting, protecting and fulfilling individual and collective rights and cultural responsibilities of Indigenous peoples and communities, as embodied in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and other relevant international instruments.
ICCA Consortium’s membership consists of nearly 200 Members (Indigenous peoples’ and community-based organisations, networks and federations and supporting civil society organisations) and nearly 450 Honorary members (individuals who support them and are aligned with our mission) in 80+ countries.
Our work weaves together several thematic streams (documenting, sustaining and defending territories of life) and forms of support for our membership across local, national, regional and international levels. The ICCA Consortium is one of the only organisations in the world that focuses on
supporting Indigenous peoples and communities and their territories of life across all livelihood strategies, ecosystems and regions. We stand strongly for human rights and the rights of Indigenous Peoples and communities specifically (including UNDRIP), while also supporting and remaining open to dialogues and debates about complex interactions between customary law, human rights as defined by nation-states and emerging concepts such as the rights of nature.