Social Need Education and Human Awareness (SNEHA) was established in 1984 and is based in Nagapattinam, India. It works with issues of environmental justice, gender equity and child rights with the coastal communities. It is a core committee member in various national forums such as the National Fishworkers Forum (NFF), National Coastal Protection Campaign (NCPC). SNEHA also has a history of working with regional networks and is a core committee member in the SDG WatchTN India, a new initiative of Civil Society Organisations.
Our collaboration: The overall obiective is to build resilience and explore effective risk reduction strategies to Climate and Disasters risks through adopting Socio-Ecological Resilience Building
Approach among fishers and coastal communities. Socio Ecological Resilience Building Approach is an innovative model proposed by SHEHA, where both Socio (Fishers) and Ecological (Ocean and coastal commons) will be taken into consideration for enchaining and building the resilience among the fisher as well as the ecology. This approach will not only reduce the vulnerability, rather it will enhance the fishers to move towards securing their commons. This objective is driven by SNEHA’s understanding that the fishing and coastal communities are inhabitants and custodians of the coast and depend on it for their livelihoods and are likely to be the most affected by the enclosures of Blue Economy as well as with the encounters of climate and disaster extreme events.