SwedBio is co-convening 2 events:
I) “Unlocking climate finance for communities in fragile and conflict-affected situations”, an official side event on climate finance
When: 4 December, 16:45 (GMT+4)
Where: SE Room 2, on-site in Dubai
About: Communities in fragile and conflict-affected situations are most seriously affected by the climate crisis, which is in addition to extremes in poverty, instability, and insecurity. This event will highlight options to implement tailored, adaptive and accessible finance, overcoming low donor risk appetite and restrictive monitoring.

II) “Rights-centered climate and biodiversity action in practice”When: December 9th, 16:15 (GMT+4)
Where: 5th Capacity-building Hub within COP28 (Blue zone) or online
About: This capacity-building event at COP28 aims to facilitate knowledge exchange between various stakeholders, including states and business representatives, and empower rights holders with tools, practices, and best practices, grounded in people-centered, rights-based, participatory approaches.
In addition, Swedbio will participate in various side events at the margin of the COP28, as well as to provide support to and/or meet with SwedBio’s partner organisations. SwedBio will also speak at two events at the Climate Live Pavilion at COP28:
- “Sustaining life – Water, Agriculture and climate resilience”, 10 December, 9:30 – 10:30 (GMT+4)
- ”Sustainable Food Systems Panel Discussion”, 10 December, 14:00 – 15:00 (GMT+4)
➡️ Make sure to follow our partners work at COP28 as well