A new tool to guide the practical applications of the resilience theory, is a workbook designed and written by the Resilience Alliance titled ‘Assessming and managing resilience in social-ecological systems: A practicioners guide’.


About Allyson Quinlan

Allyson Quinlan has held the position of Communications Director for the Resilience Alliance since February 2002. She is Editor of the RA’s website and monthly newsletter and is also responsible for developing and implementing communication and outreach programs, coordinating a variety of web-based projects, and writing and editing articles for a range of audiences. Previously, she has worked as the Managing Editor of Ecology & Society (formerly Conservation Ecology), an online peer-reviewed science journal published by the RA.

Allyson holds a Bachelor of Science (highest honours) in Environmental Science from Carleton University and a Masters of Science in Environmental Biology and Ecology from the University of Alberta. She is currently a doctoral candidate in the Geography department at Carleton University.

She is a member of the Canadian Science Writer´s Association and an alumnus of The Banff Center´s Science Communication program.