CoopeSoliDar R.L. is a self-management cooperative of professional services for social solidarity. Established in the year 2000, it is an initiative of a group of professionals interested in working on social human development issues, establishing meeting points between conservation and development. Their general objectives are to promote actions that reduce the loss of biodiversity and that guarantee access and a fair and equitable distribution of the benefits derived from the use of the
elements of biodiversity, to improve the quality of life and expand development opportunities for civil society. CoopeSoliDar does not represent the rights holders, it is a cooperative representing its members. They are more of a support organization to SSF and artisanal communities. It enters to support the fishing communities in line with the lines of action above. Marine territories are protected and sustained by indigenous peoples and local and Afro-descendent communities in Mesoamerica. They make decisions every day that impact current communities as well as future ones. CoopeSoliDar and ICCA consortium Mesoamerica have observed that when the communities are empowered and have capacity, there are conservation achievements. There are 22 communities in Costa Rica that are members of the Marine Territories of Life and Marine Responsible Fishing areas national platform which is supported in this project to exercise their rights.

Learn more about CoopeSoliDar here