The Asian Fisheries Society (AFS) is a non-profit scientific society founded in 1984 by Fishery professionals in Asia. The society aims at promoting networking and co-operation between scientists, technicians, and all stakeholders involved in fisheries (including aquaculture) production, research, and development in Asia. Its ultimate objective is to enhance food security and income-generating opportunities for fisheries workers via sound management practices, environmentally sustainable development, and efficient utilization of the aquatic resources.
Our collaboration:
The AFS-SwedBio collaboration focuses on bringing gender researchers and other researchers into dialogue with coastal groups, industry, government policymakers, and NGOs. The aim is to expand the policy boundaries for environmentally sustainable, socially, and economically just coastal aquaculture, focusing on seaweed farming in Tamil Nadu and Kenya. The dialogues will be open-ended, professionally facilitated, and designed to build trust among participants. Participants will be encouraged to speak from their personal experience and share their personal views rather than always represent their agency or group. The operating parameters of the dialogues will be agreed among the participants and build trust and ensure safety through the confidentiality of the dialogue. For example, using agreed group procedures such as the Chatham House Rule or other trust-building means particularly suited to respecting gender and diversity.
The project expects to understand better policies that result in gender inclusion or exclusion, and also develop recommendations to policymakers, The aim is to improve coherence in alignment of industry-policy-research, which should result in stronger linkages and coordination among the different stakeholders for improving policies and practices.