The science is clear; biodiversity is in free fall. Indigenous peoples and local communities have been experiencing and denouncing the loss of biological and cultural diversity. This impacts billions of people’s daily well-being in untold ways. It is widely recognized that transformative actions from a local to global scale are needed to address these declines and secure a world in which people and nature can thrive’.
After four years of negotiations, governments, otherwise known as parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) at their 15th Conference (COP15), have just adopted the Kunming-MontrealGlobal Biodiversity Framework (GBF).
Focali-SIANI, Swedbio and CSPR at Linköping University are now convening a diverse panel of experts who participated in the COP15 to discuss the outcomes of the event and look forward to what is in store now it has been signed. There is a need to unpack the agreement and understand its implications from different perspectives, as well as what will be needed for the GBF to transform the relationships between people and nature successfully.
Please make sure to head over to SIANI’s webpage for the final programme and registration.

Issues that will be discussed:
- The biodiversity crisis and the need for coordinated transformative action.
- The role of different actors, including IPLCs and civil society, and recognition of diverse values and knowledge systems.
- The negotiation process and outcomes from COP15 and reflections on outcomes from different perspectives.
- The importance of IPLCs and civil society in the GBF outcomes.What happens now and how do different actors take this forward?
- What challenges and opportunities on the journey can already be foreseen? How can these be proactively addressed?
Confirmed speakers:
Koji Miwa, Policy Researcher, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
Charlotta Sörqvist, Senior Adviser, CBD chief negotiator, Division for Natural Environment, Ministry of Climate and Enterprise, Government Offices of Sweden
Ramson Karmushu, Research Learning and Advocacy Manager Indigenous Movement for Peace Advancement & Conflict Transformation (IMPACT)
Amelia Arreguín, UNCBD Women’s Caucus Coordinator, Women4Biodiversity
Pernilla Malmer, Senior Adviser, Swedbio at Stockholm Resilience Centre
Anna Axelsson, Senior Policy Specialist and Coordinator Biodiversity, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)
Stephen Woroniecki, Coordinator, Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research (CSPR) and Assistant Professor, Department for Thematic Studies Linköping University.
Ana Carolina Marciano, Programme Officer, Swedbio at Stockholm Resilience Centre
Past related events:
The event builds on a series of events arranged by the involved partners focusing on interlinkages between biodiversity, climate, livelihoods, and rights issues. Partners involved as the Focali – SIANI collaboration and Swedbio have previously organised a dialogue on biodiversity and rights, alongside civil society organisations, and, with Sida, a Stockholm +50event on “Transforming Relations with Land and Nature from an Intergenerational Perspective”. CSPR at Linköping University has for two years co-hosted with the Stockholm Environment Institute apost-match analysis of the Climate COPS with delegation leads, research, civil society and other representatives.
About the Organisers:
Focali – The Forest Climate and Livelihood Research Network, hosted by Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development.
SIANI – The Swedish International Agriculture Network Initiative, hosted by Stockholm Environment Institute.
CSPR – Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research at Linköping University.
SwedBio – A Program for biodiversity and equitable development at Stockholm Resilience Centre.