Here you will be able to find a few highlights of of the SwedBio delegation at the Biodiversity meetings in Nairobi, Kenya. This page will be updated continuously under the period of 13- 29 May 2024.

We have 3 of our colleagues joining on site. You can find them in the contact info on the lower right of this page. Get in contact with us and follow our partners and our work on site and online.

Important issues for SwedBio are the cross-cutting issues about strengthening the opportunities for peoples’ contribution to biodiversity conservation and sustainable use, through a human rights-based approach, gender equality, youth and intergenerational equity. Indigenous peoples and local communities full and effective participation and their rights to resources and territories, in order to make it possible for them to contribute to biodiversity governance and protection and long-term sustainable development, are equally important. SwedBio also collaborates, supports and engages with partners in joint side-events.

SwedBio co-convenes the following side events together with partners:

Wednesday 2024.05.15 at 18:15 –  Health, Biodiversity and Gender: Leveraging and strengthening enabling policy frameworks for scaled-up rights-based action

CR-11 – JUSCANZ room (W4B | W4B | CARPIN | msp institute | WHO | SwedBio)

Saturday 2024.05.18 at 13:15 – Addressing the Interlinked Crises of Biodiversity and Human Rights: Current Gaps and Opportunities in Monitoring Section C of the KM GBF

CR-8 – CEE room (SwedBio | FPP | OHCHR | CBD Women Caucus | GYBN | W4B | Natural Justice | SGI | Tebtebba | IMPACT | IIED | AICA | BHCDO |WWF)

Friday 2024.05.24 at 18:15 – Embracing Indigenous and Local Knowledge: A Paradigm Shift in Conservation Science for Advancing the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

CR-10 – GRULAC room (UNESCO | UNDP | UNEP-WCMC | Malawi | SwedBio | IIFBES | KNT | W4B | COD- ILK)

Sunday 2024.05.26 at 13:15 – Whole of Society approach and Human rights-based implementation of the GBF: Insights from NBSAP processes

CR-8 – CEE room (SwedBio at SRC | CBD | FPP | GIZ | ILCRI | Natural Justice | TP | UNDP | W4B | WWF | IIFB | ICCA Consortium | NBSAP AP)

Sunday 2024.05.26 at 18:15 – Progress on the implementation of the current Program of Work on Article 8(j) and related provisions

CR-9 – Africa (IIFB | Nia Tero | SwedBio | FFP)

Addressing the Interlinked Crises of Biodiversity and Human Rights: Current Gaps and Opportunities in
Monitoring Section C of the KM GBF If you are interested in learning more about indicators, especially Section C of KM-GBF that recognises the synergies between biodiversity and human rights and the vital role that Indigenous Peoples, local communities, women and youth play in the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Then this side event might be for YOU!

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